The two previous interest groups – the Compost Quality Association Austria and ARGE Compost and Biogas Austria – have merged and officially founded the Compost and Biogas Association Austria. Both interest groups have been working in the field of biogenic recycling management, energy production and climate protection for more than 20 years.

German Association for Water, Wastewater and Waste – short name DWA.
As a politically and economically independent association, the DWA is committed to sustainable water management and to promoting research and development. The DWA provides a forum for the exchange of ideas and opinions and supports politics through its advice.

EBA - European Biogas Association
EBA advocates for the recognition of biomethane and other renewable gases as sustainable, on-demand and flexible energy sources that offer multiple socio-economic and environmental benefits. Supported by its members, EBA is committed to working with European institutions, industry, agricultural partners, NGOs and academia to develop strategies that enable the large-scale deployment of renewable gases and organic fertilisers across Europe, supported by transparent, well-established sustainability certification bodies to ensure that sustainability remains at the heart of the industry.

The Biogas Association bundles and represents the interests of substrate suppliers, plant planners, plant manufacturers, biogas plant operators, energy suppliers as well as science and administration on a national and international level. It creates platforms for the exchange of opinions and knowledge and bundles the competence thus formed by coordinating the industry players.

Fördergesellschaft für nachhaltige Biogas- und Bioenergienutzung e.V.
The FnBB e.V. promotes the dissemination of sustainable and socially acceptable production and use of energy from biomass.